Monday, November 26, 2012

100xp Character Backstories

Ok adventurer rookies. Post your backstories here and I will hand out experience points. Nothing too long, your character may die soon anyway......;)

Thursday, November 8, 2012


Ok, Friday after school will be our first official gaming session. Group 1 and 2 members should meet in room 323 after school to get set up and ready to play. I plan on playing for about 2.5 hours, that gives us enough time to get some exploring done. Group #3 will come in Saturday morning at 9 and play until around noon.

I'm really looking forward to it, trying to get everything ready. I'm hoping to make this a fun campaign for everyone.

Wednesday, October 31, 2012


Let's get our groups formed so we can finally start our adventures! Friday, after school I'd REALLY like it if as many club members as possible showed up so that we can get ready for the first game session. To do this we need everyone to show up to form groups, set meeting times, and get everything organized. Let your club member friends know. At this point, we can't really handle any more "new" members until we figure out who is serious and who is not. We are almost maxed out until we can find another DM to run another game or two. Not a bad problem to have though. I'm happy with the number of you who are interested. Once we get going, I think you'll enjoy it a lot. I'm looking forward to it.

Friday, room 323, right after school.

Monday, October 1, 2012

Come and Get It!!!!

Ok, still waiting for official word from our student council, but in the meantime, DICE ARE HERE!!! If you paid your membership fee, swing by this Thursday or Friday and pick up your set of dice. I ordered two pounds from Chessex, a great deal. They come in random, mixed batches. The two pounds that I received made 11 full sets, with lots of extras. It was really short on 12 sided dice, so until I find some extras of those, I'm stuck. But, I think 11 sets is pretty good. That should cover the current paid members. I'd still like to find a way to create a membership card. Anyone good at photoshop??

I wanted to have a meeting before break, but it sounds like Friday will be a crazy day, lots of people gone or leaving. So, I'm trying to put together a character creation packet, so that you can use your dice skills and roll up a couple characters to have ready for action. I'm trying.......

If things work out the right way, we should get a couple short meetings in before November, then the plan is to start off with the mini-convention. I'm planning a 4 part adventure, it should last about 4-5 hours. Details still to come.

LASTLY. I might, just might, break down and agree to a Facebook page, if that seems to be a good way of staying connected with everyone. I don't like Facebook and don't know how to use it though, so someone technologically smarter than me will have to get with me and work out the details.

Sunday, September 16, 2012


Fridays meeting went fairly well. Three groups, playing three games. Not sure if the zombie dice/elefant hunt group actually played though........

Thanks to Dakota, one group played Zombies. It looked like a tile/mini game of sorts. Lots of tiny zombies running around the board, with players destroying as many as they could, I think. I didn't get a chance to play, but maybe next time I'll join.

My group played Munchkins. It was fun, we seemed to pick it up fairly quickly. I'm sure we bent a few rules and missed a couple of things, but for the most part it ran smoothly. Being newcomers, I think we were all a little hesitant to backstab each other, there was a lot of friendly "help" going on. We'll learn.

Ok, the next meeting might get bumped a week or two. The game this week is against D-Ridge at home, so I'll be busy getting ready. The week after is away, so maybe the week after that we will schedule another meeting. November is really not that far off.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Friday Events

3 followers!! Wow, getting popular. I wanted to remind anyone looking, that this Friday will be a retry of club day in the lunch area. I am putting together a rolling fortress cart to advertise our club. I can be out during A lunch, but I have class during the second lunch, so if anyone wants to man the cart during B lunch, I would appreciate it.

Friday is a home game, so I can hang around after school for a little while. I have a few games that need playing, Munchkins, Settlers of Cataan, Zombie Dice, and Elefant Hunt. I have to brush up on rules, but they are all pretty  simple.

PERMISSION SLIPS!! Most importantly, get your permission slips turned in. I have received a few, but need a lot more. Once I have those, I can submit paperwork, we become official. Any questions, see me in room 323.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Club Day at Skyline

Hey! I changed the format of the blog so that I could get the poll gadget to work. Look over on the sidebar and scroll down, you should see a poll where you can pick which class of character you would like to play. Kind of fun.

This Friday, the 7th, there will be club tables set up in the cafeteria area to advertise the many different clubs at Skyline. I'm going to try to haul a table or something over and promote a little RPG CLUB madness. Maybe we can add to our numbers?

PERMISSION SLIPS! The faster you get those to me, the sooner we become official. I already have two, waiting on about 20 more. Get busy.